The Initial Orthodontic Consultation
A CRITICAL STEP in any patient’s orthodontic treatment process is the initial consultation with the…
DetailsA CRITICAL STEP in any patient’s orthodontic treatment process is the initial consultation with the…
DetailsWOMEN FACE A different set of challenges than men do in caring for their teeth and gums, and they…
DetailsIF EVERY BITE of ice cream or every sip of coffee gives your teeth a nasty jolt, then you…
DetailsMANY ADULTS ASSUME that they missed their shot at straight teeth by not getting…
DetailsWE TEND TO HEAR a lot of the same questions from our patients because a lot of…
DetailsSMOKING IS AN incredibly unhealthy habit for the entire body, and that includes teeth and gums. 80%…
DetailsIN ORDER TO EARN the ADA’s Seal of Acceptance, a tube of toothpaste must contain fluoride and…
DetailsHAVING A PLANalready in place can make a huge difference if an emergency comes up, and…
DetailsSOMETIMES AN ACCIDENT or a run-in with something from the banned foods list can…
DetailsPEOPLE HAVE USED some form of paste to help keep their teeth clean since at least 3000 BC in…