How Do We Find the Right Toothpaste?
THERE ARE SO many choices of toothpaste in our grocery stores. With an…
DetailsTHERE ARE SO many choices of toothpaste in our grocery stores. With an…
DetailsPEOPLE HAVE BEEN getting cavities as long as there have been people, and people before modern dentistry had some strange theories…
DetailsMOST MEDICATIONS come with a list of possible side effects, including side effects that impact oral health. These side…
DetailsTHE BENEFITS OF having straight teeth are many. Studies indicate that people with straight teeth are seen as more…
DetailsIT’S NOT ACTUALLY true that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile; smiling takes at least ten muscles while frowning…
DetailsIF YOU ARE or have been an orthodontic patient, you’ve probably wondered what the different parts of braces are for. Some…
DetailsIN ONE OF HIS sonnets, Shakespeare described the reeking breath of his lady love, and the subject came up again in two of his plays. He sets…
DetailsMOVING TEETH INTO their proper alignment is a complicated and fascinating process, so how do braces do it? Let’s…
DetailsEVERY CURRENT AND former orthodontic patient knows about the banned foods list. It can mostly be summarized as “don’t eat anything…
Details“SWIMMER’S CALCULUS” SOUNDS more like advanced mathematics than anything to do with teeth, but it’s actually the term for yellow…