Straight Teeth: Not Just About Looks
WE TEND TO think of straight teeth as being mainly about looks, but they actually come with several very real health benefits…
DetailsWE TEND TO think of straight teeth as being mainly about looks, but they actually come with several very real health benefits…
DetailsHAVING BRACES CAN affect your daily life in a lot of small and unexpected ways. The best way…
DetailsIDA GRAY WAS BORN in Clarksville, Tennessee in 1867. She became an orphan when…
DetailsMENTAL HEALTH AND physical health are tied together in ways we don’t always expect. That even…
DetailsSUGAR GOES BY MANY NAMES and hides where we’d least expect it. Molasses and…
DetailsHUMAN TEETH ARE supposed to fit together in a particular way. That’s how we can…
DetailsMEN AND WOMEN have a lot in common, but they face significantly different challenges…
DetailsRADIATION AND THE harm it can do to humans wasn’t well understood in the early years after…
DetailsTHE ONE INGREDIENT a tube of toothpaste must contain to earn the American Dental Association’s Seal of Acceptance…
DetailsMANY PEOPLE DON’T know much about orthodontic treatment, and we tend to hear a lot of the…