Stopping the Grind of Bruxism
WHEN LIFE GETS stressful or frustrating, a pretty common physical response is teeth-grinding. Unfortunately, it can…
DetailsWHEN LIFE GETS stressful or frustrating, a pretty common physical response is teeth-grinding. Unfortunately, it can…
DetailsTHE AMOUNT OF work it takes to keep a smile healthy and strong can vary from person to person. For some…
DetailsNO TWO SMILES ARE the same, and the teeth that make them don’t always…
DetailsMENTAL WELL-BEING or lack thereof can often have an impact on physical health. Among those…
DetailsJUST ABOUT ANYONE who’s been to the dentist has had dental X-rays taken, but how much do…
DetailsHOW MUCH DO you know about your mouth? Prepare to know a lot more, because…
DetailsWHEN WE THINK of being healthy, how much are we thinking about oral health? Just because…
DetailsCANKER SORES CAN be a real pain in the mouth! They might not be very dangerous, but they can make it pretty hard to..
DetailsWHAT WE DRINK can have a big impact on our oral health, sometimes in ways that seem…
DetailsASIDE FROM THE OBVIOUS, there are all kinds of changes the body goes through during pregnancy. Some of